How to Wash a Backpacking Pillow in the Backcountry | Camping Blog

How to Wash a Backpacking Pillow in the Backcountry | Camping Blog
Key Takeaways
- Backpacking pillows can get dirty and smelly after prolonged use in the outdoors.
- Washing your backpacking pillow in the backcountry can help you sleep better and avoid bacteria and mold growth.
- You can wash your backpacking pillow in a stream, lake, or bucket using biodegradable soap and water.
- You should rinse your backpacking pillow thoroughly and dry it in the sun or air.
- You should also take care of your backpacking pillow before and after your trip by storing it properly and washing it at home.

Backpacking pillows are a great way to make your camping experience more comfortable and enjoyable. They provide support for your head and neck, reduce pressure points, and improve your sleep quality.

However, backpacking pillows can also get dirty and smelly after prolonged use in the outdoors. Sweat, dirt, dust, oil, and saliva can accumulate on your pillow, making it unpleasant to use and potentially harmful to your health.

That’s why it’s important to wash your backpacking pillow regularly, especially if you’re on a long trip or camping in humid or rainy conditions. Washing your backpacking pillow in the backcountry can help you:

  • Remove dirt, stains, and odors from your pillow
  • Kill bacteria and mold that can cause infections and allergies
  • Restore the loft and fluffiness of your pillow
  • Extend the lifespan of your pillow

But how do you wash a backpacking pillow in the backcountry? What do you need? How do you do it? And what are some tips and tricks to make it easier and more effective?

In this guide, we’ll answer all these questions and more. We’ll show you how to wash a backpacking pillow in the backcountry using simple steps and methods. We’ll also give you some advice on how to take care of your backpacking pillow before and after your trip.

What You Need to Wash a Backpacking Pillow in the Backcountry

To wash a backpacking pillow in the backcountry, you’ll need:

  • A water source: This can be a stream, lake, or bucket filled with water. Make sure the water is clean and safe to use. Avoid using saltwater or contaminated water that can damage your pillow or cause health issues.
  • A biodegradable soap: This is a soap that is environmentally friendly and won’t harm the wildlife or plants around you. You can use a liquid or solid soap, as long as it’s biodegradable. Avoid using regular detergents or bleach that can pollute the water or irritate your skin.
  • A scrub brush or sponge: This is optional, but it can help you remove stubborn dirt and stains from your pillow. You can use a soft-bristled brush or sponge that won’t scratch or tear your pillow.
  • A towel or cloth: This is also optional, but it can help you squeeze out excess water from your pillow and speed up the drying process. You can use any clean towel or cloth that is absorbent and gentle on your pillow.

How to Wash a Backpacking Pillow in the Backcountry

Once you have everything you need, you can follow these steps to wash a backpacking pillow in the backcountry:

  1. Fill a bucket with water or find a suitable water source. If you’re using a bucket, make sure it’s large enough to fit your pillow. If you’re using a stream or lake, make sure it’s deep enough to submerge your pillow.
  2. Add some biodegradable soap to the water and mix well. You don’t need too much soap, just enough to create some bubbles and suds. You can also rub some soap directly on your pillow if it’s very dirty or stained.
  3. Soak your pillow in the soapy water for 10 to 15 minutes. This will help loosen up the dirt and grime from your pillow. You can also gently squeeze or agitate your pillow to help remove the dirt.
  4. Scrub your pillow with a brush or sponge if needed. If your pillow has any stubborn dirt or stains, you can use a brush or sponge to scrub them away. Be careful not to scrub too hard or damage your pillow.
  5. Rinse your pillow thoroughly with clean water. You can either dip your pillow in another bucket of clean water or rinse it under running water from a stream or lake. Make sure you remove all the soap residue from your pillow.
  6. Squeeze out excess water from your pillow. You can either wring out your pillow by hand or use a towel or cloth to press out the water. Be careful not to twist or squeeze too hard or damage your pillow.
  7. Dry your pillow in the sun or air. You can either lay your pillow flat on a clean surface or hang it from a tree or line. Make sure your pillow is exposed to direct sunlight or good airflow. This will help speed up the drying process and prevent mold and mildew growth.
  8. Fluff your pillow once it’s dry. You can either shake or pat your pillow to restore its loft and fluffiness. You can also use your hands to break up any clumps or lumps in your pillow.

Why You Should Wash Your Backpacking Pillow in the Backcountry

Washing your backpacking pillow in the backcountry can have many benefits for you and your pillow. Here are some of the reasons why you should wash your backpacking pillow in the backcountry:

  • It improves your comfort and sleep quality. A clean and fresh pillow can make a big difference in how you feel and sleep at night. A dirty and smelly pillow can be uncomfortable and distracting, affecting your sleep quality and mood.
  • It prevents bacteria and mold growth. A dirty and damp pillow can be a breeding ground for bacteria and mold, which can cause infections, allergies, and respiratory problems. Washing your backpacking pillow in the backcountry can help you avoid these health risks and keep your pillow hygienic.
  • It extends the lifespan of your pillow. A dirty and neglected pillow can lose its shape, loft, and support over time, affecting its performance and durability. Washing your backpacking pillow in the backcountry can help you maintain its condition and functionality, extending its lifespan.

How to Take Care of Your Backpacking Pillow Before and After Your Trip

Washing your backpacking pillow in the backcountry is not enough to keep it in good shape. You also need to take care of your backpacking pillow before and after your trip. Here are some tips on how to do that:

  • Before your trip, check your backpacking pillow for any damage or wear and tear. If you notice any holes, tears, or leaks, you should repair them or replace your pillow. You should also wash your backpacking pillow at home if it’s dirty or dusty.
  • After your trip, wash your backpacking pillow at home again using a gentle cycle and mild detergent. You can also use a dryer on low heat or air dry your pillow. Make sure your backpacking pillow is completely dry before storing it.
  • Store your backpacking pillow in a cool, dry, and dark place. Avoid compressing or folding your backpacking pillow too much, as this can affect its loft and shape. You can also use a breathable storage bag or case to protect your backpacking pillow from dust and moisture.


Washing your backpacking pillow in the backcountry is not a difficult or complicated task. You just need some water, soap, and a few tools to get the job done.

By washing your backpacking pillow in the backcountry, you can improve your comfort and sleep quality, prevent bacteria and mold growth, and extend the lifespan of your pillow.

You should also take care of your backpacking pillow before and after your trip by washing it at home and storing it properly.

We hope this guide has helped you learn how to wash a backpacking pillow in the backcountry. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to leave them below.

Happy camping!

Written By

Oliver Carter