Traditional vs. LED Camping Lanterns: Which One to Choose?

Traditional vs. LED Camping Lanterns: Which One to Choose?
Key Takeaways
- Traditional camping lanterns use fuel or batteries to power incandescent bulbs that produce bright light.
- LED camping lanterns use rechargeable batteries or solar panels to power light-emitting diodes that produce energy-efficient light.
- Traditional camping lanterns are more durable, reliable, and versatile than LED camping lanterns, but they are also heavier, bulkier, and more expensive.
- LED camping lanterns are lighter, smaller, and cheaper than traditional camping lanterns, but they are also less bright, less consistent, and less adaptable.
- The best choice of camping lantern depends on your personal preferences, budget, and camping style.

Camping is a great way to enjoy nature, relax, and have fun with your friends and family. But when the sun goes down, you need a reliable source of light to illuminate your campsite, cook your meals, and stay safe.

There are many types of camping lanterns available on the market, but the most common ones are traditional and LED camping lanterns. These two types of lanterns have different features, advantages, and disadvantages that you should consider before buying one.

In this article, we will compare traditional and LED camping lanterns in terms of brightness, battery life, durability, weight, size, cost, and environmental impact. We will also give you some tips on how to choose the best camping lantern for your needs.


One of the most important factors to consider when choosing a camping lantern is how bright it is. The brightness of a lantern is measured in lumens, which is the amount of light that it emits in all directions.

Traditional camping lanterns use fuel (such as propane, kerosene, or white gas) or batteries (such as D-cell or AA) to power incandescent bulbs that produce bright light. Some traditional lanterns can produce up to 1,000 lumens or more, which is enough to light up a large area.

LED camping lanterns use rechargeable batteries (such as lithium-ion or nickel-metal hydride) or solar panels to power light-emitting diodes that produce energy-efficient light. LED lanterns typically produce less lumens than traditional lanterns, ranging from 50 to 500 lumens. However, LED lanterns have a higher color rendering index (CRI), which means that they produce more natural and accurate colors.

The brightness of a camping lantern also depends on the design and shape of the lantern. Some lanterns have a frosted or diffused globe that spreads the light evenly and softly. Others have a clear or reflective globe that concentrates the light in a specific direction.

The brightness of a camping lantern can be adjusted by using different settings or modes. Some lanterns have a dimmer switch that allows you to control the intensity of the light. Others have different modes such as high, low, medium, strobe, or SOS.

The brightness of a camping lantern can also be affected by external factors such as temperature, humidity, altitude, and wind. These factors can influence the performance and efficiency of the fuel or battery that powers the lantern.

Battery Life

Another important factor to consider when choosing a camping lantern is how long it lasts on a single charge or refill. The battery life of a lantern is measured in hours or days, depending on how often and how long you use it.

Traditional camping lanterns have a shorter battery life than LED camping lanterns because they consume more energy and generate more heat. The battery life of a traditional lantern depends on the type and amount of fuel or battery that it uses. For example:

  • A propane-powered lantern can last up to 14 hours on a 16-ounce canister.
  • A kerosene-powered lantern can last up to 8 hours on a pint of fuel.
  • A white gas-powered lantern can last up to 7 hours on a quart of fuel.
  • A D-cell battery-powered lantern can last up to 15 hours on four batteries.
  • An AA battery-powered lantern can last up to 10 hours on three batteries.

LED camping lanterns have a longer battery life than traditional camping lanterns because they use less energy and generate less heat. The battery life of an LED lantern depends on the type and capacity of the rechargeable battery or solar panel that it uses. For example:

  • A lithium-ion battery-powered lantern can last up to 100 hours on a full charge.
  • A nickel-metal hydride battery-powered lantern can last up to 50 hours on a full charge.
  • A solar panel-powered lantern can last indefinitely as long as it receives enough sunlight.

The battery life of a camping lantern can also be extended by using lower settings or modes that consume less power. For example, using a low mode instead of a high mode can double or triple the battery life of a lantern.

The battery life of a camping lantern can also be affected by external factors such as temperature, humidity, altitude, and wind. These factors can influence the performance and efficiency of the fuel or battery that powers the lantern.


Another important factor to consider when choosing a camping lantern is how durable it is. The durability of a lantern is determined by the quality and strength of the materials and components that it is made of.

Traditional camping lanterns are more durable than LED camping lanterns because they have fewer moving parts and electronic components that can break or malfunction. Traditional lanterns are usually made of metal, glass, or plastic that can withstand shocks, drops, and impacts. Traditional lanterns also have a simple and robust design that can endure harsh weather conditions and rough handling.

LED camping lanterns are less durable than traditional camping lanterns because they have more moving parts and electronic components that can break or malfunction. LED lanterns are usually made of plastic, rubber, or silicone that can crack, dent, or tear. LED lanterns also have a complex and delicate design that can be damaged by water, dust, or heat.

The durability of a camping lantern can also be enhanced by using protective features or accessories such as rubber bumpers, shock absorbers, waterproof seals, or carrying cases. These features or accessories can help prevent or reduce the risk of damage to the lantern.


Another important factor to consider when choosing a camping lantern is how much it weighs. The weight of a lantern is measured in ounces or pounds, depending on the size and shape of the lantern.

Traditional camping lanterns are heavier than LED camping lanterns because they have more parts and materials that add to their weight. Traditional lanterns also require extra weight for the fuel or battery that they use. For example:

  • A propane-powered lantern weighs about 32 ounces without the fuel canister.
  • A kerosene-powered lantern weighs about 40 ounces without the fuel bottle.
  • A white gas-powered lantern weighs about 48 ounces without the fuel bottle.
  • A D-cell battery-powered lantern weighs about 32 ounces without the batteries.
  • An AA battery-powered lantern weighs about 16 ounces without the batteries.

LED camping lanterns are lighter than traditional camping lanterns because they have fewer parts and materials that add to their weight. LED lanterns also require less weight for the rechargeable battery or solar panel that they use. For example:

  • A lithium-ion battery-powered lantern weighs about 8 ounces with the battery.
  • A nickel-metal hydride battery-powered lantern weighs about 12 ounces with the battery.
  • A solar panel-powered lantern weighs about 4 ounces with the solar panel.

The weight of a camping lantern can also be reduced by using smaller or lighter models that have less features or functions. For example, using a mini or compact lantern instead of a full-size or deluxe lantern can save you several ounces or pounds.


Another important factor to consider when choosing a camping lantern is how big it is. The size of a lantern is measured in inches or centimeters, depending on the height and width of the lantern.

Traditional camping lanterns are bigger than LED camping lanterns because they have more parts and materials that add to their size. Traditional lanterns also require extra space for the fuel or battery that they use. For example:

  • A propane-powered lantern measures about 12 inches high and 6 inches wide without the fuel canister.
  • A kerosene-powered lantern measures about 14 inches high and 7 inches wide without the fuel bottle.
  • A white gas-powered lantern measures about 16 inches high and 8 inches wide without the fuel bottle.
  • A D-cell battery-powered lantern measures about 10 inches high and 5 inches wide without the batteries.
  • An AA battery-powered lantern measures about 8 inches high and 4 inches wide without the batteries.

LED camping lanterns are smaller than traditional camping lanterns because they have fewer parts and materials that add to their size. LED lanterns also require less space for the rechargeable battery or solar panel that they use. For example:

  • A lithium-ion battery-powered lantern measures about 6 inches high and 3 inches wide with the battery.
  • A nickel-metal hydride battery-powered lantern measures about 8 inches high and 4 inches wide with the battery.
  • A solar panel-powered lantern measures about 4 inches high and 2 inches wide with the solar panel.

The size of a camping lantern can also be reduced by using collapsible or foldable models that have less features or functions. For example, using a pop-up or inflatable lantern instead of a rigid or solid lantern can save you several inches or centimeters.


Another important factor to consider when choosing a camping lantern is how much it costs. The cost of a lantern is measured in dollars or cents, depending on the brand and model of the lantern.

Traditional camping lanterns are more expensive than LED camping lanterns because they have higher initial and maintenance costs. Traditional lanterns require you to buy and replace the fuel or battery that they use, which can add up over time. Traditional lanterns also need more care and cleaning to prevent rust, corrosion, or clogging. Traditional lanterns can cost anywhere from $20 to $100 or more, depending on the quality and features of the lantern.

LED camping lanterns are cheaper than traditional camping lanterns because they have lower initial and maintenance costs. LED lanterns use rechargeable batteries or solar panels that can last for years without needing to be replaced. LED lanterns also need less care and cleaning because they have fewer parts and components that can wear out or break. LED lanterns can cost anywhere from $10 to $50 or more, depending on the quality and features of the lantern.

The cost of a camping lantern can also vary depending on the availability and demand of the lantern. Some lanterns may be more expensive or cheaper in certain regions or seasons due to supply and demand factors.

Environmental Impact

Another important factor to consider when choosing a camping lantern is how it affects the environment. The environmental impact of a lantern is determined by the amount and type of waste and emissions that it produces.

Traditional camping lanterns have a higher environmental impact than LED camping lanterns because they produce more waste and emissions that can harm the environment. Traditional lanterns use fuel or batteries that can leak, spill, or explode, causing pollution and fire hazards. Traditional lanterns also emit carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, and other greenhouse gases that contribute to global warming and climate change.

LED camping lanterns have a lower environmental impact than traditional camping lanterns because they produce less waste and emissions that can harm the environment. LED lanterns use rechargeable batteries or solar panels that can be recycled or reused, reducing waste and pollution. LED lanterns also emit less heat and no harmful gases, making them more eco-friendly and energy-efficient.

The environmental impact of a camping lantern can also be minimized by using eco-friendly features or accessories such as biodegradable materials, solar chargers, or wind-up generators. These features or accessories can help reduce the dependence on fossil fuels or disposable batteries, and promote renewable energy sources.

How to Choose the Best Camping Lantern for Your Needs

As you can see, there are many factors to consider when choosing a camping lantern for your next outdoor adventure. There is no definitive answer to which type of lantern is better than the other, as it depends on your personal preferences, budget, and camping style.

To help you make the best decision, here are some questions that you can ask yourself before buying a camping lantern:

  • How bright do you need your lantern to be? Do you need a bright light for a large area or a soft light for a small area?
  • How long do you need your lantern to last? Do you need a long-lasting light for a long trip or a short-lasting light for a short trip?
  • How durable do you need your lantern to be? Do you need a sturdy light that can withstand rough conditions or a fragile light that needs careful handling?
  • How much weight can you carry? Do you need a lightweight light that is easy to carry or a heavy light that is hard to carry?
  • How much space do you have? Do you need a small light that is easy to pack or a big light that is hard to pack?
  • How much money can you spend? Do you need a cheap light that is affordable or an expensive light that is high-quality?
  • How much do you care about the environment? Do you need an eco-friendly light that is sustainable or an eco-unfriendly light that is wasteful?

Based on your answers to these questions, you can narrow down your options and choose the best camping lantern for your needs.


Camping lanterns are essential items for any outdoor enthusiast who wants to enjoy nature at night. They provide illumination, comfort, and safety for your campsite, tent, or trail.

There are two main types of camping lanterns: traditional and LED. Each type has its own pros and cons that you should weigh before buying one.

Traditional camping lanterns are more durable, reliable, and versatile than LED camping lanterns, but they are also heavier, bulkier, and more expensive. They use fuel or batteries to power incandescent bulbs that produce bright light.

LED camping lanterns are lighter, smaller, and cheaper than traditional camping lanterns, but they are also less bright, less consistent, and less adaptable. They use rechargeable batteries or solar panels to power light-emitting diodes that produce energy-efficient light.

The best choice of camping lantern depends on your personal preferences, budget, and camping style. You should consider factors such as brightness, battery life, durability, weight, size, cost, and environmental impact before buying one.

We hope this article has helped you understand the differences between traditional and LED camping lanterns, and how to choose the best one for your needs. Happy camping!

Written By

Oliver Carter